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Micro Focus ADM Summit 2018
Posted by Julanne Rutten
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 09:20

Vivit Board Director/Community Chair, Mark Ford represented Vivit at the Mircro Focus ADM Summit on April 9th in Dallas, Texas.

Mark along with Micro Focus blog editor/community manager, Kim Lock. Vivit was featured as one of three customer community offerings for Micro Focus with Blogs/Forums and TechBeacon rounding out the trio at the Micro Focus Communities booth.

The Summit was an excellent opportunity to to network with the newly created group called Micro Focus Government Solutions. This group was formed to support government organization specific needs within the Micro Focus tool set. Working with Federal Government agencies requires unique set of skills to management and promote Micro Focus products.

“Our focus is on the customer” was the message heard several times throughout the ADM Summit from Micro Focus Senior VP and General Manager, Raffi Margaliot. It was present in the CABs, highlighted in the keynotes and discussed at the Communities booth. All were eager to lend an ear to listen to what I as a customer was looking for with Micro Focus software. It was also great to reaffirm that Vivit is well known in many Micro Focus circles and that we are appreciated for our efforts of education, advocacy, and community. Of course there was also plenty of talk about Octane, Stormrunner, and Deployment Automation in addition to roadmaps, innovation, enterprise scalability, and accelerating application delivery. It was a jam-packed couple of days spent focusing on all things ADM (Application Delivery Management).

The ADM Summit was a great opportunity to learn more about the new Micro Focus, see ADM product directions, deep dive in a workshop, and talk to a lot of ADM customers. If you have an opportunity to attend an upcoming Micro Focus Summit, I would encourage you to do so.

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