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Micro Focus Government Summit - Washington, DC
Posted by Julanne Rutten
Thursday, March 22, 2018 00:00

Vivit’s Engagement Coordinator, Rocky Pisto represented Vivit at the Government Summit on March 8th and was able to network with several key members, partners and Micro Focus Executives at the Vivit Booth.

It was a great opportunity for Vivit and it’s members to meet this newly created group called Micro Focus Government Solutions. This group was formed to support government organization specific needs within the Micro Focus tool set. Working with Federal Government agencies requires unique set of skills to management and promote Micro Focus products.

Micro Focus Director of Federal Security Channel, Diane Pearson who focuses on ArcSight, Fortify, Voltage & Vertica with Rocky Pisto Haleh Nematollahy, Sr. Security Solutions Architect at Micro Focus.
Vivit SIG Leader, speaker and member, Robert Linton, Vice President, B12 Government Solutions Stephanie Brush, Micro Focus, Partner Marketing Manager, Americas and Vivit member took time from her responsibilities as the Government Summit event lead to catch up with Rocky Pisto.

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