By The LUG/SIG Team
Annemarie Stuiver, EMEA/APJ Liaison
Tammy Young, LUG/SIG Chair
Teri Sarallo, Americas Liaison
As everyone affiliated with Vivit knows by now we have a new Logo, color scheme and a wonderful new website to better serve Vivit’s membership community. In the deep dive necessary to facilitate these types of changes, your team responsible for Chapter’s and SIGs took a fresh look at everything from each type of SIG, to Chapter activity.
As a result of our renewed focus pertaining to the purpose of a Chapter, the decision was made to rename Chapters to
Local User Groups or
LUGs. This change makes a clear statement of exactly what these meetings are about whether virtually or physically carried out-- Local users of HPE software coming together to network, solve problems, learn and share. It is also a term recognized globally.
I hope each of you support this change and are assured that while the name has changed, the purpose remains the same.
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season to each of you.
The LUG/SIG Team