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New Local Leadership
Posted by Unknown
Sunday, March 30, 2014 14:16
I wanted to take a moment and announce our newest chapter leader, Mr. Dan Boswell!

Dan is a contractor with the USDA through Ace Info Solutions and is actually the Kansas City chapter leader and brings extensive knowledge of the HP Quality Assurance tools.  Furthermore, his perspective and experience will bring us an expanded view when it comes to identifying potential sessions & tracks for upcoming meetings.

And speaking of upcoming meetings, I suppose now is as good as time as any to announce this, but look for continued collaboration between the St. Louis and Kansas City chapters.  Both groups will continue to have their own live & local events at their regular, quarterly cadence.  But on top of that, expect unique, locally-ran webinars from both chapters.  So stay tuned!

This is an exciting time to be a member of our chapters; we hope you enjoy what's coming.

Colin W. Fries

St. Louis Chapter Co-Leader

No events scheduled

February 26, 16:15 PM

February 09, 23:21 PM

February 09, 21:59 PM

February 09, 21:39 PM