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Seeking Applicants for the Micro Focus Testing Pool
Posted by Stephanie Konkoy
Friday, October 27, 2017 16:28
The Micro Focus digital marketing team is always working to enhance the user experience on our websites, and we need people like you to help us with user tests from time to time.

We do a variety of tests, and all of them can be done remotely from your own computer.  Most people find these tests to be very interesting and enjoyable.  They usually take 10-15 minutes to complete, and they are extremely useful in helping us see how our target users respond to different UI variations. 

How it works

When we are planning to conduct a test, we review the profiles of the people in our testing pool. We email the people who match the personas we need to study, describing the test and inviting them to participate.  If you reply and indicate you are interested in taking that test, we email you instructions and a link to the test.

You simply follow the instructions, click the button to submit your recorded test, and we are notified that you have completed a test. We review the test to ensure that it was completed, and if all is well we send you a $10 Amazon gift card to thank you for participating.

Fill out your profile and sign up for the testing pool now.
If you would like to be part of our testing pool, please fill out the following survey.

Read the complete blog here:  https://community.saas.hpe.com/t5/Software-Solutions/Seeking-applicants-for-the-Micro-Focus-testing-pool/ba-p/1619940#.WfOKIIhrzIV .



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