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Event: Agile20 Reflective Festival

Virtual Event

Contact: Jonathon Wright
2021-02-12 - 2021-02-12
17:00:00 - 18:00:00



Join us for the Agile Manifesto Futurespective
Friday, February 12, 2021 | 5:00PM - 8:00PM GMT

To celebrate the Agile Manifesto turning 20 years old in February 2021, and in partnership with Vivit Worldwide and in association with the Agile20Reflect Festival, this “Agile Manifesto Furturespective” will provide a unique opportunity to be involved with recognized thought leaders from the agile community.

This event will allow attendees to voice their opinions, views, as well as their experiences of Agile Ways of Working over the last 20 years and they will also get the opportunity to discuss what the future holds for Agile moving forwards. It will also give attendees a chance to network and collaborate with others in a global agile community setting.

The Agile Festival Event Will Be Hosted By:

Giles Lindsay

Jonathon Wright

Paul Gerrard

The Incredible Agile Festival Line-up Includes

For our Futurespective Expert Panel Discussion

Brian Marick

Ray Arell

Jurgen Appelo

Geoff Watts

For the 15-minute TED-style Lightning Talks

Mark Lines

Jurgen Appelo

Geoff Watts

Brian Marick

Mark Lines – Accelerating Value Delivery with the Disciplined Agile (DA) Toolkit

What organizations do you admire? Fear? What makes them special? Companies like Amazon, UPS, Netflix, and Spotify differentiate themselves with “lean and mean” IT solution delivery. They typically do not use a canned agile method or framework. Rather, they have figured out ways of working to streamline their business, take advantage of market opportunities, and adapt quicker than their competitors. This is what real business agility means. In this short talk, Mark Lines, co-creator of Disciplined Agile shows how the DA toolkit can accelerate your value delivery and free you from “methods prison” while doing so.

Jurgen Appelo – Mindful Sensemaking

Sensemaking is about creating intentional awareness in a world that’s always changing. With the Mindful Sensemaking model, you can evaluate different responses in different situations.

Geoff Watts - Scaling Agile Has Never Worked…and Never Will

Every agile transformation has failed. This has been the major reason behind agile failing to truly “cross the chasm” over the last 20 years. Agile leadership coach Geoff Watts will share what you should be doing instead of trying to scale agile.

Brian Marick - Agile as a Kind of Post-Scarcity Work

An interesting thing about early Agile projects is that so many of them were desperate attempts to restart failed projects and get *something* out of them. Those reborn projects were free to reinvent their work. With fewer constraints on what they did and how they did it, they did more - and better.

It seems to me that early Agile was characterized by “one weird trick”. It combined the above freedom of action with a “gift economy" relationship to the product owner. But, as Agile has been dumbed down, that weird trick has mostly been forgotten. Perhaps my shining a spotlight on it will encourage more teams to recover the spirit - and success - of early Agile.

Closing Keynote: Agile: What? So What? Now What?

Laura Powers

COO with Business Agility Institute and Founder of Powered by Teams – a consultancy focused on helping leaders and their teams thrive in the midst of change. She is a recovering project manager who came to Agile for the sticky notes and Sharpies, and stayed for the people.

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