Special Interest Group: Security & Privacy
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Group Leadership

SIG Leader: Jameel Kusugal

SIG Leader: Uwe Moenig

Security of systems, networks, and most importantly, the data moving through them is always a lively conversation. Join us to discuss how security and privacy legislation, controls, and demands are changing the game for IT professionals. Topics range from the strategic  to the tactical. We want to hear from the community on ideas like:     

  • Planning and budgeting to address security and privacy demands on your organisation      
  • How to implement practical system vulnerability assessments
  • product discussions
  • and slippery topics such as "Cloud Security” and impacts of international privacy legislation

It’s all fair game in the Vivit Security & Privacy SIG where we will engage global thought leaders and those dealing with these topics daily. Bring your tough questions and creative ideas to the virtual table; all are welcome.

Group Events
Group Blog

No events scheduled

February 26, 16:15 PM

February 09, 23:21 PM

February 09, 21:59 PM

February 09, 21:39 PM